Trip to Bali in Indonesia

woensdag 23 augustus 2023 21:55 - zondag 10 september 2023 21:55, INDONESIA
  • Jean-Marie HOFFMANN

At the end of August and the beginning of September, the Inter-Country Committee (ICC) Belux Indonesia organized a discovery trip open to members of clubs that have been involved in humanitarian actions in Indonesia for over five years.

The latest project, in which RC Luxembourg-Horizon participated between 2020 and 2023, consisted in performing 212 cleft lip and palate surgeries at the Dharma Yadnya Hospital in Bali for a total budget of $205,000.


ATTENTION : In collaboration with the District 2160 Foundation a second trip to INDONESIA is currently being prepared and is scheduled to take place in May/June 2024, around the Rotary International Convention from May 25th to May 29th, 2024 in Singapore.  

You can obtain additional information by reaching out to the ICC secretary.